Monday, January 22, 2007

More Janesville Highlights

Originally uploaded by MrJSpoons.

It would me amiss of me not to add a few more thoughts on Janesville.

-For instance, the picture to the right is an example of some of the lovely furniture that we had in our green room/dressing room area!

-Karaoke, at the Hhffrrggh Inn, was a good time and is recommended!

-If you need some pheasants, Janesville is the place to be. We saw some the size of turkeys!

-Instead of a toaster oven, I propose that we put to Eggo in a roasting stick and hold it over a fire like a marshmallow! This will be more fun for everyone involved.

-More pictures of this leg of the tour can be found over at my Flickr site and on Kathi's blog. Enjoy!

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